Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How to Success in Interview | Secrets of the Most Successful College Students

How to Success in Interview :

If a candidate is satisfied that he meets the requirements specified by a company, he surely stands good chances for selection. To be sure that you are right candidate, you must ensure basic things that you have right age desired by them, you have sufficient experience desired, you are properly qualified etc.
After satisfying above basics, you must fill up the application form carefully. It must be neat and tidy, all questions being answered to the point-using additional sheets if need be, leaving no blanks. On the day of interview the candidate should look fresh, be well dressed and provide physical good look and be confident of impressing. In the interview, you should be a good listener and think twice before, responding. Answers should be to the point, accurate and precise there being no beating about the bush or deviating from main content. If answer is not known, there is no harm in accepting and saying no with smiling face and confident look instead of showing dejection and defeated attitude. Whenever you answer to a question for which you are prepared, try to show the desired level of confidence and moderate level of assertion.

When a person is answering in an interview, his/her spoken image is being observed by experts. Remember spoken image basically in judged by physical and as well as stylistic features. Physical factors include voice (ensure throat not getting hoarse during interview), pace of speech (no excitement or nervousness and speaking clearly and normal way, no murmuring), gestures (sit comfortably, let your hands and head have free movements, use body language). Stylistic features include language and technique, (use simple language using your own accent, use past tense to narrate an incident, be concise and speak clearly and fluently, use direct and active style of speech — when a person talks, his personal qualities and excellence must come out of his talk), level of enthusiasm and energy (project your voice and do not shout, be in high spirits, be courteous and keep good humour).

In interview your personality must be impressive and you must appear enthusiastic to take the challenge, display your knowledge and managerial qualities, respond to the point, show your skills and the right attitudes and adaptability to job, show your capacity to grasp and learn and deliver goods, use flawless expression.
Leadership skills are rated high but same have to be demonstrated through character, commitment, and competence, and not merely by talking about it.

Lastly you must remember that some interviewers have strong likes and dislikes and they tend to perpetuate their ideas and beliefs. Factors like similarity of thought, attitudes, similarity of education, training and past experience increase chances of selection. A candidate can make use of such factors, if possible. Job reservation, personal preferences and prejudices, preference for female if she demonstrates her capacity to learn and grow are natural factors in interviews.
One has thus to take interviews little seriously and not in a casual way. Chances of success are very high if one takes care of all the points illustrated above.

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